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Module 5 - Your Career & Highest Service



Module 5 Lesson 1 - Traditional Empath Careers

Module 5 Lesson 2 - Finding Your Best Path

Module 5 Lesson 3 - Daily Practice To Reach Highest Service

Supplementary Material

Module 5 Lesson 1 - Traditional Empath Careers

The Life You Were Born to Live by Dan Millman

Astrology for the Soul by Jan Spiller

Suggested Tools:

Human Metrics Test - Carl Jung and Isabel Briggs Myers’

Module 5 Lesson 2 - Finding Your Best Path

The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks

Suggested Practice:

Growing your Friend Circle (positive and empowering people around you)

Look at your heart for a career or hobby (what makes you come alive?)

Suggested Tools:

Human Metrics Test - Carl Jung and Isabel Briggs Myers’

Kolbe A Index

BioWell - Tiffany Barsotti

Biorhythm Calculator

Module 5 Lesson 3 - Daily Practice to Reach Highest Service


Higher Service Log

What did I do today to serve myself in the highest?

Daily Practice:

Setting your daily intent to serve at your highest. Ask “How and where can I be in my highest and greatest for the good of all”?

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