Module 2 - Lesson 3 - Exercise/Movement and Empaths
Supplementary Material
Tristan and Sabrina Truscotts Qigong Practice (look for free lessons/classes)
Begin your Movement Log
Free Downloadable PDF Movement Log Instructions and Chart
Continue your Food and Health Log
Continue your Physical and Emotional Impact Log
Continue your Emotions and Feelings Log
Suggested Research:
Water Memory
Homeopathic remedies
Structured water
Hydrogen generator Water Bottles
Hydrogen generator Water Bottles
Tristan and Sabrina Truscotts Qigong practice (look for free lessons/classes)
If you prefer to journal digitally, you can use one of the following apps, but be sure to include all components in the PDF instructions. Suggested apps include: Endomondo for those who like to socialize, MapMyFitness for people at any fitness level doing any activity, Runtastic Pro for runners, and Strava for competitive types. Another one of the best apps for tracking activity motivates you by donating money to charity for every mile you run, walk, or bicycle. The app is called Charity Miles, and you don't even have to be competitive or an extrovert to use it.
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